What Is Your Greatest Asset?
This is not just another blog post I want you to really think about this question. What Is Your Greatest Asset?Take 2-3 minutes and write down 2-3 of your greatest assets. Stop reading now and do so it won’t even take 3 minutes. Now I want you to choose one. If you could only keep one of those assets, which would you choose? I am hear to tell you that if you chose a house, a car, an investment account, even a business that you need to think again. Most people have heard what I am about to tell you but few do take any action towards it. Your mind, YOU, are your greatest asset.
As you probably already know your mind is the most powerful thing you know. Your mind can be the reason you fail or the reason you succeed. It can be negative or positive. Your mind can be many different things. Are you letting your mind do whatever it pleases? Are you constantly purposely shaping your mind by the people you hang around or the things you listen to. Your mind is constantly growing and shaping into something. Are you controlling this? Or are you letting other people and other things control because you have failed to see how important your mind is.
Your mind is your greatest asset. Have you built a business before? If someone came in and stole your business could you build another one even faster than you built the first? Yes you can, but you have to first recognize that your mind is your greatest asset. You have to constantly be feeding it positive and new information to grow it on a daily basis in the way you want it to grow. Tap into growing your mind and you will tap into 90% of potential most people never do. I am not only talking about controlling your mind in certain situation but controlling what you allow to go in your mind. Are you watching the news everyday, or scrolling mindlessly on instagram or twitter? Or instead are you reading books or watching videos from successful business owners trying to learn the secrets that they already know. Feed your mind it will lead you in whatever direction you wish! Your mind is your greatest asset, so ACT like it and FEED it Daily!
Peace and Blessings