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Live Within Your Means? Haha Not A Chance!

A wise man once said, “Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination!” - Oscar Wilde

This quote hit me hard. I thought how stupid is that. Why would I want to be broke! Then I thought again.

When I thought again I started to see the genius in this quote. Live outside your means and let your imagination go to work and figure out how in the world you can afford this lifestyle.

Still many of you might think I am crazy so instead try this.

Really sit down and write out what your life would look like a year from now if you have unlimited income?

What would you want to do?

Where would you want to go?

Who would you hang out with or spend your time with?

Think about these things and seriously if you want to change your life right them down!

Then let you imagination run wild and see what you come up with!

You will notice in a year if you stick with your imagination you will be living that life!

Go change your life today!

Starting dreaming today, blessings,


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